Paperwork Films

Paperwork Films is stop-motion animator Roy Taylor’s base of operations and is located in Louisville, KY, USA.

Roy Taylor creates nonverbal animated films to illustrate solutions to human problems by examining the natural world.

Using a multi-plane camera and sculpted white paper painted with color filtered light and shadow he produces stop-motion images with depth and saturated color. He develops techniques as needed visualize the story.

Taylor’s most recent film, Wildfires (2020) is a solitary undertaking produced during COVID19 self-quarantine. His film A Tale of Crows (2016) screened at festivals including Hiroshima International Animation Festival, New Orleans Film Festival, Victoria Film Festival, and Montreal Animaze. His music video, Ohio (2013), for Patty Griffin featuring Robert Plant premiered on

Taylor is currently scripting and designing an animated feature project.

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